For Candidate

How to

What are some tips when filming Asynchronous Video Interviews and conducting Online Interviews?

Following explains the key points to consider when filiming Asynchronous Video Interviews and conducting Online Interviews using harutaka.

Camera Position

Check the following points. Place the camera at your eye-level.
Position the camera so that it shows the upper body.

Look into the camera when speaking.If you set your camera at a low position, it will appear as if you are looking down at the other person. Place the camera at your eye-level so that the other person can see your face.

It may take a while to get used to it, but it is also better to look directly into the camera instead of the screen so that the other person can see your eyes.

Find a bright and quiet place

Microphone and camera can pick up distant sounds and sights.
Also, you may appear dark depending on the device, so we recommend you to use a bright, quiet, cleaned up private room.